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Agricultural Sand Solutions





Technologies and techniques to conserve water in agriculture while sufficiently feeding growing populations is a key to peace. Proprietary Rechsand hydrophobic nanocoatings on sand have the potential to address some of our most life and death concerns.


Our research has shown that the use of water-saving hydrophobic sand layered beneath row crops and around orchard plantings can reduce water use by up to 75%. Similarly, lower levels of fertilizer would be required to achieve the same results, as fewer of the chemicals are lost to percolation.

High Density Planting _ Renchuang Cooper

A blanket of hydrophobic sand prevents water from percolating past the root system.

Rechsand allows gases to pass, toxic gases can dispell and the roots remain aerated

Three times the yields can be achieved with the same water and fertilizer usage.


Desert Rice Cultivation

Global warming is predicted to have detrimental consequences for rainfed crops that are dependent on natural rainfall, and, by extension, food security for millions. 

Most of the world's farmers are dependent on rainfed conditions for their livelihoods and are particularly susceptible to climate change. Where weather patterns have changed, some areas have turned to irrigation by damming rivers and tapping groundwater, threatening water supplies. 


Rechsand agricultural sand solutions can aid in those locations where livelihoods of farmers and regional food security are threatened by climate changes.

Many of the world's most vulnerable populations rely on rice and rice cultivation. Rice requires flooded fields as flooded plants produce better yields. Rice is about the last crop one would hope to raise in a desert and a perfect test case for Rechsand hydrophobic agricultural sand.

Rechsand initiated a ten-year rice field in a desert region that only gets about 7 inches of precipitation a year. Rice headed in 35 days and was harvested about two months later.


1. A field is excavated and a blanket of Rechsand hydrophobic sand is lined across the bottom of the dug out area.

2. Soil is layered over the sand.

3. Field is flooded and rice is planted.

4. Rice after 20 days.

Rechsand Barrier Blanket

"The next war in the Middle East will be fought over water, not politics.”
United Nations General Secretary

Gas-permeable sand layer keeps water in, but allows gases to move–no root rot.

5. Rice after 35 days.

6. Rice harvested in the desert with single application of water.

Rechsand Orchard Planting

High Density Planting _ Renchuang Cooper

A small amount of Rechsand agricultural sand placed around the root ball before planting is a one-time investment allowing for vastly improved water usage. This is a particularly good investment for lucrative, water-thirsty crops, such as tree nuts. 

Case Study: Average rainfall 35 mm, annual evaporation 2,480 mm.


Trees planted in 2009.


Same trees in 2012. Trees watered a total of 3 times per year.

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